The Food Shift Kitchen is Expanding!
Alameda County, CA, US
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The Food Shift Kitchen is Expanding!

Food Shift is an East Bay, California based organization working to reduce wasted food and utilize the abundance of food in our communities to empower, nourish, and engage the community. ...

Short Summary

Food Shift is an East Bay, California based organization working to reduce wasted food and utilize the abundance of food in our communities to empower, nourish, and engage the community. Our social enterprise, The Food Shift Kitchen, uses recovered food to employ people and feed the community nutritious food.

After 3 years of piloting our social enterprise in a small shared kitchen, we’re raising $40,000 to move into a larger, centrally-located East Bay kitchen so we can enroll more apprentices in our job training program, recover more food, and expand Food Shift Catering.

Why we need you!

We have worked hard to generate revenue through our vegetarian catering company - securing contracts with health, youth, and housing programs and catering events and meal with big companies. And yet we still depend on community donations. People like you help us make this dream a reality. Please join us!

Our Model and the Impact

Climate collapse and social inequality are two of the most pressing realities of our time. Food Shift's model addresses them both. If food waste were a country, it would be the third largest greenhouse gas emitter behind China and the U.S.

Food Shift donates 80% of its recovered produce to community partners who feed food insecure populations. And, we know that food alone won't solve hunger. Food Shift goes beyond the broken charity model to educate, empower, and uplift people using the power of food.

Every year, 40% of food produced is thrown out or otherwise wasted in the United States.

Chef Suzy and program graduate and now employee, Ms. Debra, work together to prepare food for catering clients.


“Food Shift is at the very forefront of exploring the links between food, community, economic empowerment, inclusion and health.” --Robert Egger, Founder of DC Central Kitchen and LA Kitchen

“Food Shift empowered me and gave me the confidence and work experience I needed to get and keep a job. My life is on a steady path now and I am so grateful for Food Shift in helping me get there.” -- Henrika, Program Graduate

“I’ve learned so much working with Food Shift. I love feeding people, my confidence has increased, and the income helps provide more stability for my family.” - Ms. Debra, Program Graduate

“Food Shift provides us with high quality, fresh produce that is hard to get otherwise.” - Peter Onderwater, Alameda Food Bank

“Food Shift continues to play a leadership role in food recovery innovation. They’re great partners and friends.” - Ben Simon, Imperfect Foods, Founder

“Food Shift gives our residents an invaluable kitchen experience that serves as a stepping stone to employment in the food service industry. Along the way, our residents feel challenged to expand their skills and valued for their contribution.” - Michael Radding, Alameda Point Collaborative, Director of Programs

"I feel successful. I feel like I can go do whatever I want to do. I have learned a lot and I am stronger, more focused." - Ms. Carolyn, Program Graduate

"I feel that I am making a difference just by working and being a part of Food Shift" - Guiselle Reyna, Program Graduate

Chef Jen and Driver Robert sort recovered food; Food Shift regularly picks up excess produce from Imperfect, Good Eggs, and SF Produce Market.

Media Articles and Awards

"Aside from feeding people, reducing waste, and creating job opportunities, Food Shift is also combating climate change by rescuing food — a total of 120,000 pounds a year — that would otherwise contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. A bigger kitchen would also allow Food Shift to recover even more produce, further reducing water consumption and greenhouse gas emissions."

  • East Bay Express, "Food Shift Looks to Raise Funds, Broaden Impact"

“When Mills got out of prison, he was living clean, but still living on the street on and off for 16 months, piecing a living together out of recycling nickel deposit bottles and cans. Until Food Shift, he had not had a steady job in more than 20 years. Produce and people both get a second chance at Food Shift.”

  • Berkeleyside, "Waste not, want more: Food Shift aims to create more jobs and save more food from the trash, but it needs more space"

"The organization’s job training program is working to create permanent employment for those impacted by poverty and food insecurity. “While we need charity and emergency food assistance, these models haven’t solved hunger and we have a huge opportunity in this movement to develop and expand solutions that create economic value and invest in the people who have been most systematically oppressed,” explains Frasz to Food Tank.

  • Food Tank, "Food Shift’s Food Waste and Job Training Program Seeks to Grow its Impact"


If you believe in the Food Shift Kitchen and want to give for the sake of giving, please do! Any amount helps! To show our gratitude we have some pretty awesome perks lined up for you all, so check them out, show us your love, and please share this campaign with others!

$10 - Food Shift Stickers: Sport our Food Shift logo on your laptop, bike, water bottle, or anything else to rep your support for our cause! 2 stickers included.

$35 - Food Shift Recipe Booklet: This PDF booklet contains essential Food Shift recipes, tips on reducing waste in the kitchen, and guidance on how to make the best use of leftovers. Use this recipe booklet to create delicious meals and reduce waste in your own kitchen!

$50 - Food Shift Gift Bag Bundle: Take home a Food Shift Tote bag filled with goodies from Food Shift and other mission-aligned organizations. The gift bag will include Renewal Mill cookies, ReGrained snack bars, preserves made in the Food Shift Kitchen and local wine! *We will not be offering shipping on this product - local pickup only.

$50, $100 - Dec 14th Holiday Party Ticket: This ticket grants you access to Food Shift's holiday party on December 14th with special guest speaker Robert Egger. There will be food, drinks, and a silent auction with items including Warriors tickets, Patagonia clothes, a dinner with the Founder, and more! Please view the different tiers to contribute different amounts.

$100 - Co-Sponsor a Day of Food Recovery: Contrary to popular belief, we do not operate on "free" food. There are many costs that go into recovering food, such as renting a truck, paying a driver, and paying for gas. By donating $100 you are helping us achieve our annual goal of recovering 120,000 lbs of food by sponsoring a day of food recovery.

$25 - [Sold Out] Earth Island Journal: Get a year's subscription to the Earth Island Journal to stay up to date on news, analysis, and commentary on vital environmental issues and activism.

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Started this project 4 years ago

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