
Dear Mr. Secretary General,The civil war in Syria has been raging on for more than six years, longer than World War II. ...
I was sentenced 78 months to serve at a federal prison for a white-collar crime. I left home a healthy single mother ...
Arby's has always touted its commitment to corporate social responsibility and humane treatment of animals. Unfortunately, Mercy For Animals has recently learned ...
As fires ripped through Northern California burning down over 8,000 homes and other buildings, and killing over 40 people, 1,700 of those fighting ...

Petition to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Stop excluding 98 percent of animals from the humane slaughter act

Did you know that the United States Department of Agriculture has decided that the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act doesn’t apply to ...
My name is Mark, and I worked at more than a dozen chicken factory farms that supply Lilydale, which sells chicken to ...
President Donald Trump released a budget proposal on 3/16/17 which calls for a $6 billion dollar cut in funding to the National ...
President Trump: Make the world great again. People deserve to know the truth about the Secret Space Programs and have access to ...

Petition to Office of the Pardon Attorney
Clemency for Michael Pelletier – Serving Life for Pot!

When my brother, Michael Pelletier, was 11 years old, he lost the use of his legs in a tractor accident on the ...
The violence in Syria has steadily escalated since the start of the Syrian civil war in 2011, and it must end. Every ...
Colorado State University may want to consider changing their name to “Cruelty State University.”As a freshman at Colorado State University and a ...
As it stands now, it is required for a child under six years of age to stand in front of a courtroom, ...