Petition to United Nations

Create a Constitutional Commission, Develop and Discuss the Syrian Constitution Urgently!

Create a Constitutional Commission, Develop and Discuss the Syrian Constitution Urgently!
حقوق الطفل in San Diego County, CA, US
339 view
            <p><strong>Dear Mr. Secretary General,</strong></p><p>The civil war in Syria has been raging on for more than six years, longer than World War II. The Syrian people suffer heavy losses. The brutality of some parties of the conflict knows neither borders nor limits.People, who went out on the streets of Syria in March 2011, are long forgotten. Their peaceful demonstrations for democratic reforms were treacherously exploited against themselves. The noble and just opposition of that time was poisoned by dirty ideas of strive for power, injected by some foreign sponsors, while the Syrian people's right for peaceful life, sovereignty and independence was shattered into pieces. Our country faced military intervention. Terrorism is spreading its reach on the Syrian soil impudently, daringly and devastatingly.However, our desire to put an end to this war is getting stronger with every passing day. The memory of 500,000 souls of our martyred brothers and sisters fuels our desire to liberate Syria. The huge number of victims which continues to grow is desperately crying about the need to end this violent and bloody conflict.Understanding that it is impossible to achieve peace by brutal force only, we demand an immediate and unconditional dialogue about political settlement of Syrian crisis.The war exhausted the people of Syria who have lost all faith in the UN and no longer believe that it is able to restore peace. Our hearts wring with regret and grievous pain when we hear the opposition politicians refuse to participate in the negotiations and reject peace initiatives because of 'non-compliance' with legal formalities, while our children are deprived of home and food.</p><p><em>Only political dialogue can bring a long-awaited peace to the Syrian land!</em></p><ol><li>This is why we strongly demand an immediate creation of a constitutional commission, organization of a broad discussion of the draft constitution at all political platforms including Geneva and Astana in order to foster the political process for a peaceful settlement. The procedures and terms of power transition must not hamper the discussion of the future of Syria and should not have a negative impact on the emerging peace process.</li><li>We demand to grant the Syrian Constitutional Commission all the powers, including the right to participate in the negotiations as a force independent from the government and opposition. We demand the collection and analysis of the public opinion and proposals of any Syrian citizen, as well as the elaboration of provisions for discussing the future prototype of the constitution to be included into the duties of the Commission. It is also necessary to give the Constitutional Commission the right to interact with other democratic institutions in order to exchange experience in the domain of state building.</li><li>The UN and all of the members of the Security Council should facilitate the involvement of all parties in the negotiations. We strongly demand to include the representatives of the opposing sides which are involved into the negotiation process and have confirmed their readiness for a peaceful settlement of the conflict in the Constitutional Commission. Those who reject peaceful settlement must bear responsibility for inciting hatred and waging war against our country and must be brought to international justice.</li></ol>       
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أبريل 19, 2017

17 Supporters

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Letter to
Secretary-General of the United Nations, United Nations

Create a Constitutional Commission, Develop and Discuss the Syrian Constitution Urgently!


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Started this petition 8 سنوات ago


















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