Petition to Doug McMillon

Stop Black Friday from Creeping into Thanksgiving!

Stop Black Friday from Creeping into Thanksgiving!
اقتصادي in San Diego County, CA, US
163 view
            <p>Thanksgiving is one of America’s most cherished family holidays -- a day to spend with friends and loved ones.</p><p>But, in pursuit of the almighty dollar, some retailers open their stores on Thanksgiving Day, forcing many of their employees to work. We know that companies can support their bottom line without sacrificing their employees’ well being. Many chain stores do well and are NOT open on Thanksgiving.</p><p>As a patriotic American, I am against “Black Friday Creep,” and believe retail workers at big box stores deserve a day to spend with family.</p><p>Please urge Walmart, Target and Toys R Us to put people over profits and refuse to open their doors on Thanksgiving Day and instead let employees have some time away from the frantic shopping season to spend with their children, partners and loved ones.</p><p>We believe happy employees will be more loyal, content and more productive in the long run. Now that’s smart business.</p><p>As someone who cares about family and community, I urge you to give your employees the day off on Thanksgiving. Black Friday should start on Friday.</p>

Thanksgiving is one of America’s most cherished family holidays

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سبتمبر 19, 2018

98,404 Supporters

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Letter to
Walmart CEO, Doug McMillon
Toys R Us CEO, Dave Brandon
Target CEO, Brian Cornell

Please urge Walmart, Target and Toys R Us to put people over profits and refuse to open their doors on Thanksgiving Day and instead let employees have some time away from the frantic shopping season to spend with their children, partners and loved ones.

We believe happy employees will be more loyal, content and more productive in the long run. Now that’s smart business.

As someone who cares about family and community, I urge you to give your employees the day off on Thanksgiving. Black Friday should start on Friday.


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Started this petition 6 سنوات ago










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98,404 Supporters
51,596 needed to reach 150,000
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