
Disclose all the Secret Space Programs and release all the hidden technologies
Petition to Donald Trump

President Trump: Make the world great again. People deserve to know the ...

John Kenedy 9 supporters 8
District of Columbia, DC, US
Stop President Trump’s proposed budget cuts to the National Institutes of Health
Petition to Donald Trump

President Donald Trump released a budget proposal on 3/16/17 which calls for ...

John Kenedy 8 supporters 6
Cumbria, England, GB
Stop Radioactive Waste Metal Storage – Port of Workington, Cumbria
Petition to Stewart Young

The nuclear industry is desperate to get shot of its radioactive wastes. ...

John Kenedy 7 supporters 2
Help Free an Innocent Mom – Courtney Bisbee!
Petition to Jerry Cobb

In 2004, our daughter Courtney Bisbee, was falsely accused by one teenager, ...

John Kenedy 7 supporters 4
Fulton County, GA, US
My Son Has Muscular Dystrophy. His Insurance Company Is Taking Away a Breakthrough Drug.
Petition to Joseph Swedish

When my son, Caden, was five years old, he was diagnosed with ...

John Kenedy 6 supporters 2
Travis County, TX, US
Clemency for Michael Pelletier – Serving Life for Pot!
Petition to Office of the Pardon Attorney

When my brother, Michael Pelletier, was 11 years old, he lost the ...

John Kenedy 6 supporters 3
Westchester County, NY, US
Stop The Slaughterhouse on CSU’s Campus
Petition to Tony Frank

Colorado State University may want to consider changing their name to “Cruelty ...

John Kenedy 5 supporters 3
Hamburg, HH, DE
Add an extra day to the week.
Petition to TNT

**Hello I love holidays!**

Theme 5 supporters 2
New York, NY, US
Demand that the UN intervene in Syria and stop the violence
Petition to Zeid Ra'ad Al-Hussein

The violence in Syria has steadily escalated since the start of the ...

John Kenedy 5 supporters 3