Petition to Galen Weston

Tell Loblaws to Ensure Animals Aren’t Tortured in Its Supply Chain

Tell Loblaws to Ensure Animals Aren’t Tortured in Its Supply Chain
Animals in Greater Vancouver, BC, CA
280 view

My name is Mark, and I worked at more than a dozen chicken factory farms that supply Lilydale, which sells chicken to Loblaws grocery stores across Canada.

While working at Lilydale chicken supplier farms, I witnessed some of the most sadistic animal abuse imaginable, including workers kicking, hitting, and throwing birds; slamming them hard against walls and transport crates; and gleefully ripping the legs off conscious animals.

One day I watched in horror as a worker tried to rip a bird in half with his bare hands and then threw her badly mangled—but still living—body onto the ground for her to slowly die. Other days I saw workers torment frightened animals in sexually explicit ways in full view of company management.

I documented these abuses using a hidden camera. You can watch my video footage above or at

Nobody did anything to stop this unspeakable animal abuse, which is why I’m coming forward now. With help from Mercy For Animals, I’ve submitted a detailed complaint to law enforcement and am hopeful that they will take swift action.

But I’m also calling on Loblaws grocery stores to enact a much-needed animal welfare policy requiring Lilydale and its other chicken suppliers to end the worst forms of animal abuse in their supply chains.

While I can’t say with certainty that the same chickens documented in my video ended up in Loblaws stores, I do know they went to a Lilydale slaughterhouse in British Columbia. And I know that same Lilydale slaughterhouse sells chicken to Loblaws stores. A meaningful animal welfare policy by Loblaws, as a major purchaser of Lilydale chicken, would prevent much of the most egregious abuse I witnessed.

Please, take a moment to sign my petition urging Loblaws to require its suppliers to end some of the worst forms of animal abuse.

Then share the hidden-camera video with friends and encourage them to take action too.

After seeing what I saw, I can’t imagine ever eating chicken again. In addition to taking action here, please consider joining me by pledging to leave chicken off your plate for good.

Thank you.

December 6, 2017

4,249 Supporters

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Letter to
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Galen Weston
Loblaw Companies Limited, Sarah Davis

Tell Loblaws to Ensure Animals Aren’t Tortured in Its Supply Chain


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