Petition to People

Demand politicians serve their constituents, rather than crony & government

Demand politicians serve their constituents, rather than crony & government
Human rights in US
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a letter to CT Great-Assembly

Elected officials are expected to

  • represent citizen concerns most directly in government,
  • require gov't to provide FOIA record to our constituents,
  • stop gov't from hiring lawyers to fabricate evidence in public corruption case,
  • improve the quality of higher education by firing unqualified professors

Fabrice Baudoin is protected by some leaders at CT government, controlled by democratic party (Dems). While sitting in multi-party, Bruce Gelston is Dems Gov. Ned Lamont's UConn lawyer, and a longtime Baudoin acolyte. As an extremely dangerous spy, Bruce Gelston lures the public to provide evidence by telling lie, and deletes evidence after the public falls into his trap. Policy, made by CT Dems leaders, displays double standards, cronyism, and dishonesty.

1. hire of Fabrice Baudoin disincentivizes quality teaching and stifles institutional diversity.

(1) teacher-student misconducts

Baudoin took 15 trips with a female (ex, current, future) student. Among them, in 4 trips, Baudoin didn’t bring his other students. In other 3 trips, there is no department members.

  • On or about 1/9/2013---1/12/2013, San Diego, California, Baudoin---Wang

There is neither evidence that Baudoin brought his other students, nor evidence that other students & faculty from Baudoin’s dept. went to this place

There is neither evidence that Baudoin brought his other students, nor evidence that other students & faculty from Baudoin’s dept. went to this place

  • On or about 6/13/2016----6/17/2016, China, Baudoin---Wang

  • 7/11/2016----7/21/2016, Evanston, Illinois, Baudoin---Wang

  • 11/1/2018 –– 11/5/2018, UConn, Baudoin---Wang

  • 4/17/2019----4/24/2019, Indiana, Baudoin---Wang There is neither evidence that Baudoin brought his other students, nor evidence that other students & faculty from Baudoin’s dept. went to this place

  • 11/27/2016---12/3/2016, Germany, Baudoin---Chen

There is no evidence that Baudoin brought his other students.

There is no evidence that Baudoin brought his other students

There is no evidence that Baudoin brought his other students

  • 6/19/2019--- 6/30/2019, China, Baudoin---Chen

(2) the hire of zero-publication (resp. low-publication) Baudoin’s wife (resp. Baudoin’s travel escort) as UConn assit. professors.

Baudoin’s wife has no publication

The 3-year contribution of Baudoin travel escort Li Chen is smaller than any arbitrary employee

(3) plagiarism

2. Gov. Lamont turns Baudoin's crime into a new low

(1) Gov. Lamont earned accolades as a phony

Gov. Lamont’s UConn Board hired a group of UConn lawyers to whitewash crony’s (Baudoin’s) crimes. Among them, Bruce Gelston (ethic chairman of East Haddam) is most loyal to Fabrice Baudoin.

On 2021, by promising that he would discipline Baudoin, Gov. Lamont’s lawyer Bruce Gelston obtained Fabrice Baudoin’s criminal evidence exclusively. As an effort of helping Bruce Gelston to forge his career path, this case was delayed.
On or about June 2022, emboldened by Dems leaders' impunity, Gov. Lamont's lawyer Bruce Gelston deleted Baudoin’s criminal evidence (webpages) , and fabricated a new status for Chen-----department chair’s supervisee. After Lamont won election on Nov. 2022, Gelston formally circulates his lie in UConn EP file 33 (2) Evidence had been stored, prior to Gelston's destruction of evidence

On 2021, Great-Assembly-watchdogs were reviewing Fabrice Baudoin's case and referred this case to AG. Evidence at AG and watchdogs includes, but not limited to

Baudoin’s original webpages listed Chen as his postdoc ;
Chen’s original webpage listed Baudoin as her sole UConn mentor. Baudoin told many people that that Chen was his postdoc Postdoc is viewed as a student in mainstream universities such as University of Michigan and Northeastern University. All evidence has been widely stored in AG, and watchdogs for years.

3. CT Dems leaders are a walking embodiment of double standard

Democratic leaders’ lawyer Bruce Gelston divides employees into privileged class and ordinary ones.

(1) ordinary employee Ram Gopal

Without objective evidence ( e.g. DNA, photo, amorous emails), CT Dems leaders' lawyers built amours relations merely based on Gopal's 4 group conferences . Gelston's report is as follows:

page 3. "Other faculty members and PhD students from the OPIM Department also traveled to these destinations at or around the same time, for either the WITS Conferences or other ancillary conferences" page 12: " involving an amorous relationship, rather than any legitimate University business purpose," File number: UOI-18-01-0004



From above weblink, Bruce Gelston even computed nearly 90,000 compensate time for Gopal.

(2) Lamont-beloved Fabrice Baudoin

File number: EP 33

Author: Bruce Gelston


CT Dems leaders' lawyers issued a 13-page file # EP 33, namely:

  • Jing Wang was not Dr. Baudoin’s student or supervisee, … does not indicate … amorous relationships (page 2)
  • Chen’s supervisor was the Department Head, Dr. Ambar Sengupta (page 2)
  • as Li Chen was not Dr. Baudoin’s student or supervisee … … does not indicate … amorous relationships (page 2)
  • travel … ‘further the reputation of the University and enhance the productivity of the University community’ (page 3)
  • ‘her Supervisor was Dr. Ambar Sengupta’ (page 10)
  • “Sengupta was Li Chen’s supervisor” (page 10)
  • ‘Li Chen … her supervisor was the Department Head ’ (page 10 middle) as Jing Wang was not Dr. Baudoin’s student or supervisee… does not … amorous relationships ’ (page 10)
  • ‘Chen … her supervisor was the Department Head ’ (page 10 bottom)
  • ‘ as Li Chen was not Dr. Baudoin’s student or supervisee … does not indicate … amorous relationships ’ (page 11)
  • ‘ Sengupta, who was also her Supervisor ’ (page 12)
  • ‘Li Chen were not Baudoin's students or subordinates’ ( page13)
  • Conclusion … an amorous relationship between a faculty member and a student or subordinate is prohibited . …However, Jing Wang and Li Chen were not Dr. Baudoin’s students or subordinates. * Accordingly, … such a relationship existed would not constitute … (page 13) “ the hiring department … Baudoin provided the following explanation:‘ Dr. Li Chen …under the supervision of the worldwide recognized professor Thierry Coulhon. She is an expert on Riesz transforms, a topic closely connected to my research interests. I met Li during a conference where she delivered a spectacular talk, and I look forward to working with her ’ ”-- ( page 9)
  • Travel -- Jing Wang … San Diego, January 2013); (France, May 2013); (Colorado, July 2013); (Illinois, January 2015); (Japan, June 2016); (China, June 2016). (page 4)
  • Travel -- Jing Wang… trip was from November 1 – 5, 2018.11 (page 4)
  • Travel -- Jing Wang… Purdue … Baudoin’s webpage dated April 17, 2019 , rental car from April 22 – 24, 2019 (page4)
  • Travel -- Li Chen… Germany November 2016 (page 5)
  • Travel -- Li Chen…Spain … July 8, 2017 … July 17, 2017 (page 6)
  • Travel -- Li Chen… Mexico … September 9, 2018 … September 14, 2018 (page7)
  • Travel -- Li Chen… China … June 19-30, 2019 (page8)
  • Travel -- Li Chen… Germany … November 15 – 24, 2019 (page 9)
  • Li Chen’s hire followed the appropriate approval process (page 10)
  • Jeana Alice Vatamanelu’s hire followed the appropriate approval process (page 10)
  • Bruce Gelston's above report is contrary to the fact. Repeating 11 times a lie like "as Li Chen was not Dr. Baudoin’s student or supervisee", Bruce Gelston uses this lie to justify Baudoin’s crimes. Gelston's behavior is similar to Nazi propaganda--- ““If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State”

Bruce Gelston's above report is basically self-anointed. Bruce Gelston claims that Baudoin gives a talk during 4/17/2019----4/24/2019. But Gelston never explains why a talked last 7 days. Gelston praises all Baudoin’s staying night at hotel with a female student.

To turn Bruce Gelston’s lie into fact, UConn rulers conceal all FOIA records about Baudoin and Gelston. If you make a FOIA request, UConn rulers either do not publish your request in FOIA log, or fabricate FOIA log

Due to Bruce Gelston’s lie, taxpayers need to pay Baudoin and Gelston billion dollar in the future, pay Baudoin’s hire of zero-publication females , and pay Baudoin’s travel worldwide with a female student

4. Gov. Lamont bribes UConn lawyers (Bruce Gelston, Nicole Gelston)

Using taxpayers’ money, Lamont bribes Bruce Gelston and his wife Nicole Gelston with high salaries. Gelston couples received at least 0.5 million year. Both Bruce Gelston and his wife Nicole Gelston are beneficiaries of nepotism. In Nicole Gelston's payroll, her title is Chief Staff. In fact, she is not Chief Staff. Lamont defrauds taxpayers by requiring taxpayers to pay Nicole at the level of Chief Staff. Taxpayers need to pay Bruce Gelston & Nicole Gelston at least 0.5 million each year.!/year/2023/employee/EC165CFB92FD1FB72B7795721ED6A15B!/year/2022/employee/EC165CFB92FD1FB72B7795721ED6A15B!/year/2022/employee/7DADE21F4B16CEBF6061A32A7D81D9E1

Please share this with CT citizens, in particular East Haddam citizens, such that they can avoid falling into Bruce Gelston’s traps. Please serve your constituents, rather than your Governor, leaders. Stop your Governor from directing your tax money to Bruce Gelston couple and Fabrice Baudoin couple.

Please kindly request UConn to provide FOIA record about Fabrice Baudoin and Bruce Gelston to all public members

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Demand politicians serve their constituents, rather than crony & government


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